Join us for a Tarot Conference Like No Other

Join us for a Tarot Conference Like No Other

Join us for a Tarot Conference Like No Other

Every tarot conference is fantastic; I’ve never been to a bad one.

Yet, right now, no one has ever before done what StaarCon is doing.

StaarCon will be a hybrid multi-track tarot conference.

We are using Accelevents, a conferencing platform that will allow online conference-goers an immersive and robust experience. In-person conference attendees can use the brand-new Accelevents app to navigate their conference experience.

In person attendees will enjoy the beauty and the grandeur of the Doubletree Hotel and Executive Meeting Center in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.

All attendees, whether in person or online, will have access to the thirty-day StaarCon Afterglow on the Accelevents platform. This allows you to watch recorded classes, meet in spontaneous video chat sessions one-on-one or in groups, attend pre-scheduled video events, and shop the online exhibitor hall.

StaarCon begins January 21 and runs through January 23. The Afterglow begins as soon as the conference ends.

Don’t miss your chance to be a part of this groundbreaking and life-changing event!



StaarCon Headliners Rachel Pollack and Sasha Graham

While the agenda is still in development, you can see what an outstanding array of speakers, topics, and activities StaarCon has to offer. We have headliners Sasha Graham and Rachel Pollack, and more than thirty artists, authors, and teachers who will be giving classes.

You can also familiarize yourself with the Accelevents platform and choose the classes you which to attend in person or watch live.

Remember that recordings of classes within your ticket level will be available to you for thirty days after the conferences ends.

Tarot Cards and Laptop in Use

Get Your Tickets Now

Ticket prices range from $50 to $425, so there is a ticket for everyone! It is important to buy your ticket as quickly as possible, especially if you are planning to attend in person.

If you are attending in person, you also have the opportunity to participate in the StaarCon meal plan. Scroll to the bottom of the ticketing options to choose your meals.


Fred West and Christiana Gaudet on StaarCast

New Episode of StaarCast Now Available

Did you know that there is a podcast devoted entirely to the celebration of StaarCon? Join us almost every week in the lead-up to StaarCon and enjoy conversations between Christiana Gaudet and our fabulous StaarCon presenters.

You can subscribe to StaarCon wherever you get your podcasts, or watch them in video form on YouTube.

The most recent episode of StaarCast is “We are Oracles” with Fred West. At StaarCon, Fred will be presenting a deeper dive into tarot birth pairs. In his conversation with Christiana, they discover that they both began their tarot journey at around the same time, some thirty years ago.

What ensues is a thought-provoking conversation about the nature of tarot, and of divination.

Fred West has been a life-long student of Tarot since it literally fell into his lap in the early 80s.  Fred has 40 years of experience being a reader. He loves to share the wisdom he’s gained along the way.  Fred’s approach to being an Oracle is down-to-earth, fun, and action oriented. He’s a community leader behind Tarot Beyond Borders, providing a monthly social for fellow Oracles.

Catch this episode on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcast, or wherever you catch your podcasts.

Follow Fred on Facebook and Instagram.


Person Using a Smart Phone

Join us on Social Media

We have a private Facebook group called StaarCon Community where we do Study Buddy exercises, find ride shares, hotel roommates, and other conference and community related things.

We also have a home on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram! Please Like and Follow StaarCon, so you can stay connected with your conference friends all year long.