StaarCon 2024 Intensive Sessions

StaarCon 2024 featured intensive sessions by Maria Alvíz Hernando, Lisa Adams, Amy Forman and Mary Ellen Collins, and our headliners Benebell Wen and Emilie Muñiz.

Christiana Gaudet at StaarCon 2021 on Accelevents
Astrology for Beginners

Learn some astrology basics in this three-session intensive.

Astrology is an ancient language of symbols and meaning that provide a framework of understanding life’s magic and difficulties. It’s a tool of evolution.

Using practical, grounded teaching, I will help you become familiar with terms, symbols, relationships, and concepts. You’ll come to see the patterns and archetypes so that they make sense to you on an intuitive level.

You will learn signs, planets, the elements, and how to look at a chart.

Astrology is multifaceted and complex, but it doesn’t have to be difficult or intimidating. It can be accessible.

Highly recommended for this class – go to, hit the button for “charts and calculations” and put your birth information in, including date, location, and the time of day (crucial). This will provide you with your birth chart. Or, if you already have your birth chart, bring it along to class.

Astrology for Beginners – Part 1
Friday, January 19 @ 9:15 am
Astrology for Beginners – Part 2
Friday, January 19 @ 10:15 am
Astrology for Beginners – Part 3
Friday, January 19 @ 11:15 am
Diving into the Tarot Tableau: Read Cohesively in Every Context

During this three-part intensive with tarot reader and teacher María Alviz Hernando, you will be fascinated by the versatility of the Nine Card Tableau, learn techniques to accurately extract information from your readings at all times and in every context and gain confidence in your reading skills, even in general readings!

For this Intensive Session you will need a tarot deck (I advise bringing a mini-deck if you have one, so you can comfortably lay the 5×5 Tableau). You will be given a handout, but you can bring material to take notes if you wish.

Session 1: Understand the Tableau
Friday, January 19 @ 9:00 am
Session 2: Adapt the Tableau
Friday, January 19 @ 10:00 am
Session 3: Extend the Tableau
Friday, January 19 @ 11:00 am
Tarot Plus! Divination Combos

Add some pizazz to your Tarot game by combining your readings with other forms of divination.  If you read professionally, you’ll find that clients love the extras! If you use tarot for yourself, you will enjoy the added information and insight to your readings.

This three-part intensive workshop will take you through simple steps to learn effective methods of reading tarot combos: Tarot plus Charm-Casting, Crystal Divination, or (some very simple components of) Astrology.

All classes will feature hands-on practice exercises. Sample kits will be provided for onsite participants to borrow and/or buy, but feel free to bring your own items.

Note:  If you want to use your own crystals in session 3, bring the following seven tumbled crystals:  Amethyst, Aventurine, Citrine, Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Sodalite, and Tiger’s Eye.

For charm kits, start saving items from your junk drawers, jewelry boxes, craft supplies, etc.  You can use small charms, coins, tiny toys, or anything that inspires your imagination!

Session 1 – Cards and Stars
Friday, January 19 @ 2:15 pm
Session 2 – Cards and Charms
Friday, January 19 @ 3:15 pm
Session 3 – Cards and Crystals
Friday, January 19 @ 4:15 pm
The Art of Reading Lip Prints

​Pucker up Staarcon friends! An exciting new energy reading system has been developing over the past few decades and more people are wanting to know: What is lip print reading all about?

Lip print reading is a type of physiognomy. That is the reading of a person’s character and state of being based upon their appearance, especially their facial features. 

The insights gleaned from studying a person’s lip prints are different from and complementary to those that arise with tarot. For example, with lip prints, we can see into a person’s mental habits and find a lot of information about how they are feeling in their body, in relationship to other people, and to this universe. 

Like an aura reading, we see an image of the person right here and now. Like crystal ball divination or tea leaf reading, we look for meaningful symbols within the print. 

There are so many compelling insights that come up in a lip print reading! Alongside tarot, the two methods complement one another beautifully.

Join Amy Forman for a two-part workshop in which we will study the basics of lip print reading and practice together. All necessary tools will be provided for in-person attendees. Virtually attendees will need cream lipstick and some index cards.

The Art of Reading Lip Prints Session 1
Friday, January 19 @ 2:00 pm
The Art of Reading Lip Prints Session 2
Friday, January 19 @ 3:00 pm