Presented by Christiana Gaudet
Moderated by by Amie Emberharte

While we all perceive and understand Spirit differently, we all experience something spiritual in a tarot reading. Whether we see this is a function of our own consciousness or something outside of ourselves isn't important to the process. What is important is that we learn to work with energy in order to create the circumstances in which a great tarot reading can take place.

In this section, we will learn ways to create and manage the energy of a tarot reading. This process allows us, as readers, to function at our highest potential. When we understand how to create and manage the energy of a tarot reading, the following things become true. We create an energetic connection with our tarot cards which engenders flow of communication and heightened intuition. We create a safe and sacred space in which to perform divination. We create an environment in which we easily enter the flow and zone of tarot reader, absent of anxiety and apprehension. We create a connection with our client which encourages communication and intuition. We engage the third eye to enhance the intuitive aspects of tarot reading and allow the card images to speak. We create an environment in which our client is receptive to truth, understanding and healing.

This session is moderated by Amie Mouser.

Presented by Christiana Gaudet
Moderated by by Amie Emberharte

Each card can perform numerous functions in a reading. In this section we will learn how keywords, images, classic interpretations, correspondences and intuitive hits work together to form a reading that is pertinent, accurate and inspiring. This will include the following topics. Allow multiple images and keywords to inform your reading by developing the 'Deck in Your Head'. Don't limit what the cards can say to you in a reading. Find the right keywords for the right situation. Allow the cards to speak with each other. Allow dignity to give nuance and healing magick to your interpretations. This session is moderated by Amie Mouser.

Presented by Christiana Gaudet
Moderated by by Amie Emberharte

The techniques available to us for giving a tarot reading are vast. While each tarot reader has their preferred methods, it is important to have a full toolbox of techniques at your disposal. Having many techniques gives us the best possibility to handle any situation that arises at the tarot table. In this section we will learn the following methods. How to work with tarot spreads. How to dialogue with the cards. How to break out a question. The Moderator for the session is Amie Mouser.

Presented by Christiana Gaudet
Moderated by by Amie Emberharte

We can derive an astounding amount of information in a reading. Yet, it won't mean much if we can't deliver that information in a way that is palatable, understandable, entertaining, empowering and healing. In this final section we will practice delivering messages and handling client resistance at the tarot table. Our focus will include the following. Helping the client process and release hurt and disappointment. Offering new perspectives that empower the client. Helping the client understand their options for the future. Working to manifest the client's best destiny. Identifying and changing false narratives.

Presented by Christiana Gaudet
Moderated by by Amie Emberharte

In closing, will spend a few supportive moments together to take account of what we have learned. We will set intentions to use this new knowledge in our practices going forward.


We will gather together as a community to create sacred space, set intentions, and perform divinations for our weekend ahead.

Presented by Kate Mura
Moderated by by Amie Emberharte

Every Group Tarot is different, as every group and every tarot reading is a unique constellation. Stories, anecdotes, conversation, philosophy, questions, history, herstory and ourstory come out specifically for your audience, your day and time, your season. What I'm doing is giving a tarot reading. To a large group. As one. You are involved. By picking cards, conversing, asking questions, and actively, compassionately listening. So... let's see what the cards have to say.

Presented by Brenda Elizabeth
Moderated by by Amie Emberharte

This powerful Yoga Nidra meditation promotes profound relaxation. It rejuvenates the mind, body, and spirit. The meditation can be done sitting up or lying down. Relax and go deep. This session is moderated by Amie Mouser.

Presented by V.
Moderated by by Isaac Mouser

Tarot is a sacred tool for connecting with our higher self, our guides, and our ancestors to help bring clarity to our lives. But what if we transformed this tool to one of play? Using the Tarot to "play all day" can help to break us out of old patterns, create new "happiness habits", and role-play our way into a happy balance of work and life. This session is moderated by Isaac Mouser.

Presented by Michelle Welch

Living a spiritually attuned life can come with challenges. This presentation will introduce ways to use divination tools to transform harsh energies so you can become a grounded source of love and light. Learn how empathic abilities can help you heal your inner wounds while staying connected to your community. Michelle Welch will show you how to work with the energies that connect all people, and instead of cutting energetic cords, you will learn to transmute challenging energies in ways that support your personal spiritual journey.

Presented by Beverly Frable
Moderated by by Isaac Mouser

This workshop will compare and contrast the three major tarot styles: Tarot de Marseille: The first known tarot deck dating back to the 15th century; Rider Waite Smith: The deck that influenced the majority of all tarot decks available today; Thoth: Offers astrological and kabalistic attributes, Egyptian symbolism and occult references. Join us for a high-level introduction to each and decide which styles work for you!

Presented by Micki Klein

Join Micki Klein for an exciting presentation about a divination system she has created. In this system, stones represent planets, and are cast onto an astrology wheel. The results can be profound and insightful.

Presented by Fast Horse
Moderated by by Brenda Elizabeth

Fast Horse will share stories and insights from his career as a professional tarot reader. From those stories you will learn techniques and perspectives that will help you on your unique tarot journey. This session is moderated by Brenda Elizabeth.

Presented by Amie Emberharte

Bring your favorite cards, runes, crystals, charms, photos, and an intention or two you would like to manifest in your life. Amie Mouser will share information on Luna's cycles and how to connect your intentions with the flow of the Goddess to amplify the manifesting power always present in your life. The magick she shares will be eclectic, drawing from various traditions and practices. Those new to Moon Magick as well as those who have been practicing for years will find new and inspiring ways to harness the power of the moon and connect with the Goddess. This season is moderated by Ryan Mouser. This interactive class will include information and experience creating altars using divination tools as well as magickal and mundane items. Amie has created Manifesting by the Light of the Moon Concoctions, a booklet for your use going forward which will include some of her favorite and most successful creations. Come learn, share your experiences, and amplify the power of your connection with our beautiful moon.

Presented by Mary Ellen Collins
Moderated by by

Add some star shine to your tarot readings by learning how to recognize the astrological references found in your tarot deck. In addition to their classic meanings, every tarot card also has an astrological correspondence. This workshop will familiarize you with the specific correspondences for the cards in the major arcana. We will also introduce basic building blocks for reading astrology charts by looking at zodiac signs, planets, and houses. Hopefully you'll be inspired to learn more about astrology in the future!

Presented by Ciro Marchetti
Moderated by by Frank Kwiatkowski

A look back over the past 16 years of my involvement in the fascinating word of Tarot; the art, the business, the community. (This is a pre-recorded presentation. Submit your questions in the chat, and then join us for a short, live, Q and A session with the artist in the next session, right here on the Main Stage.

Presented by Ciro Marchetti
Moderated by by Frank Kwiatkowski

After enjoying the prerecorded session, join the artist for a short session to hear his answers to your questions.

Presented by Benebell Wen
Moderated by by Amie Emberharte

This will start as a study of how shamanism has been practiced throughout history and by various world cultures, though first, we'll draw the distinction between a shaman and having a shamanistic experience. We'll then discuss application of core concepts by the modern-day tarot reader. I'll share my perspective on using a tarot deck to detect spirit presence in a room and what that means in more rationalist, psychology-based terms. We'll also explore methods for channeling a spirit with the tarot as our tool. This session is moderated by Amie Mouser.


El Tarot es una excelente herramienta de auto conocimiento, la manera en la cual procesamos las situaciones puede ser definida con las cartas de la corte. Propongo ver a estos 16 personajes en lugar de como personas como a 32 características significativas de como estamos experimentando la vida al echar las cartas.

Presented by Reverend Kevin Lee
Moderated by by Isaac Mouser

Kevin will share ways both new and seasoned readers can begin a "new dance" with their clients. This begins the moment of advertising intuitive sessions through to the booking process. It continues even as you greet them, and certainly as you begin your higher dialogue of intuitive inner experiences, and how they parallel the images, colors, shapes and more on each card. Readings are not only about informing the client what needs to be shared but also about our listening to the responsive words your client shares with you. You are in a spiritual tango and you must lead your partner while sensing their capability of understanding what you are hoping to share.

Presented by Jaymi Elford
Moderated by by Amie Emberharte

In this fun workshop, author and divination experimentalist, Jaymi Elford shows you a progressive system to combine tarot and cartomancy decks. Learn techniques to build new divination behaviors and get your decks playing well with one another. Bring a pen, your tarot deck, and any Lenormand or oracle decks to test out.

Presented by Gita Rash
Moderated by by Kate Mura

A walk-through of one of the oldest, greatest written epics that provided the inspiration for the creation for this oracle deck, "The Mahabharata Oracle". The extraordinary tale of human foibles, emotions and actions was the perfect backdrop to re-create the meanings in a more simple format, which can guide and help us navigate through our own lives. These archetypes are present in all of us, we have only to look within and recognize that we are all a part of the macrocosm of this universe. The wide spectrum of emotions, dualities, miracles, philosophy, spirituality, etc. present in characters ranging from the colorful to the bizarre weave this fascinating story. Providing profound messages, the wisdom we can glean from this story is a master lesson in life.

Presented by John Hijatt

The ancient writing system of Runes was used throughout the Germanic and Scandinavian lands from the 2nd to the 11th centuries. They have been revived in modern times for use in magickal and divination use as part of a Germanic-based spirituality (Heathenism/Asatru). Bindrunes unite the energies of individual Runes as a sigil for magickal talismans/purposes as part of your spiritual journey. This workshop will introduce you to bindrunes and provide tools to create a bindrune (during the workshop) to aid you in setting your intentions into the universe. Previous rune knowledge is helpful but not required. We will work with the Elder Futhark Runes.


We have a talented community! Enjoy music from the Mousers. As a special treat, Mitchell Osborn will lead us in some enlightening and humorous Tarot Improv. We will finish we a replay of Jaymi Elford's fire dance!

Presented by Dina Brass

Professional readers and aspiring professionals are invited to join Dina Brass for an honest conversation about the most difficult things we handle in client readings. Come vent, share experiences, and discover solutions that will help you be a better (and happier) reader.

Presented by Jenna Matlin

Grab your Lenormand cards! Join Jenna Matlin for some readings and exercises to help you explore this exciting divination method and increase your fortune-telling skills. All knowledge and experience levels welcome.


When a cartomancy deck doesn't need to follow a particular structure, anything can happen! Join Amie Mouser for an exploration of oracle decks. Which are your favorites? How do you use them? Would you like to create one? Share, learn, and play!


Why did our artists create the cards the way they did? What are our favorite card depictions, and why? How do different types of art stimulate our physic senses differently? How would you like to depict the cards? What sort of deck would you design if you could? Be part of a conversation about our art and with our artists.

Presented by Kim Danbert
Moderated by by Amie Emberharte

Kim will share examples of how the Waite-Smith Tarot images and interpretations pair with specific passages and sentiments of the Holy Bible. Expand your understanding of both tarot and the Bible, and find wisdom within them both.

Presented by Frank Kwiatkowski

Tarot is a gateway to the divine within.When practiced with sacred intention, commitment, and patience, tarot becomes a very effective and fun tool for spiritual awakening. An awakening is a transformation within the psyche that fundamentally changes perspectives, attitudes, and values. This awakening of the spirit is the crucial first step of the process of individuation, an initiation to fully realizing and becoming our essential true nature. It is the active process of merging with divinity. In this workshop you will receive a series of tips for how to use tarot with the intention of spiritual awakening. You can expect to leave this workshop with eyes, mind, and heart opened to new possibilities for your personal use of tarot. Attendees are encouraged to bring their favorite tarot deck, as Frank will share his 8 Keys to Spiritual Awakening Spread.

Moderated by by Isaac Mouser

Tarot is an excellent tool for self-knowledge. How we look at and process situations can be well defined with the Court Cards. We will look at these sixteen characters not as people, but rather as thirty-two meaningful characteristics that express how we are experiencing life.

Presented by Marion Kirk
Moderated by by Amie Emberharte

The Tarot and Music have many similarities. Both can be used as forms of story telling and are an expression of creativity. Have you ever heard a song or piece of music that expressed exactly how you felt in that very moment? Or seen an image of a tarot card which immediately reminded you of that obscure song you have not heard in years? In this presentation Marion will share techniques that she has found helpful in developing a deeper connection and understanding of the tarot through the power of music.

Presented by Jenna Matlin
Moderated by by Isaac Mouser

For professional readers and aspiring professionals, this workshop will help you master the pivot from in-person reader to online party psychic seamlessly and profitably. Learn the technological options, how to run an experience online and, how to create that 'wow' factor wherever you or your guests may be.

Presented by Brenda Elizabeth

Deepen your skills in this fun and interactive workshop. Learn how to identify your strongest psychic senses. Understand how to differentiate between ego and intuition. An effective workshop with development exercises to sharpen your senses.

Presented by Toni Puhle
Moderated by by Christiana Gaudet

The Kipper Cards form a perfect balance to any Tarot read. I will be walking you hand by hand through the situational nuances of the Kipper Deck that will enhance your Tarot predictions and present your clients with a practical look at their future. Join me on your divination journey at StaarCon and learn everything you need to know to jump start your Kipper storylines with a blast.

Presented by Madam Zee
Moderated by by Isaac Mouser

Join Madame Zee as she explores mediumship through tarot.

Presented by Serena Fox

Join together for an inspiring hour-long journey with tarot and storytelling. Welcome the cards as guidance in everyday life! We'll explore their use as connected to personal clarity, creativity, manifestation, healing and awareness. We'll discuss the archetypes and symbols as prompts for pivotal reflection and adjustment...a springboard for dynamic movement, motivation and positive change. Through this exercise, we'll strengthen our connection, clarity and purpose. The hour includes: History; Card Overview and Recognition; Practice of Deep Listening and Meditation; Storytelling; and Q and A).

Presented by Anne Stern Walner
Moderated by by Brenda Elizabeth

In this workshop you will learn supportive words to pair with your Lenormand cards. This creates a stronger message for you and your clients to replay and record with powerful words. I fancy utilizing clichés, idioms, metaphors, proverbs, and quotes to express my thoughts and feelings. I finally found a venue where I could implement them to generate another perspective, viewpoint, and opinion for reading Lenormand.

Presented by David Victor
Moderated by by Christiana Gaudet

Join us for a tarot-themed virtual dinner theater experience. David Victor will share a short play he has written called "It's In the Cards".

Presented by Mary K. Greer
Moderated by by Amie Emberharte & Kate Mura

One of the most mysterious cards in the deck is the Hanged Man, which Waite claimed has, unfortunately, been misinterpreted. Let's see if we can unravel its significance in ways that bring a deeper appreciation for how Tarot helps us in everyday life. We'll see what history and modern media have to say and then what the mythic, archetypal and mystical perspectives have to teach us.

Presented by Rose Robinson
Moderated by by Amie Emberharte

Incorporating your Tarot to enhance your seasonal celebrations can seem tricky. What cards do I focus on? How can I build spreads that enhance my practice? What decks should I use? Join RoseRed as she takes you on a journey through the Sacred Celebrations and shares ideas on how to use the symbols of the holiday to create spreads to connect with each specific Sabbat. Find ways to extend the cards one can use to make deeper connections to each of the Sabbats. You will get a spread for each Sabbat as well as a simple ritual you can do to enhance your own connection to the Witch's Year.

Presented by Nancy Hendrickson
Moderated by by Christiana Gaudet

If you've ever wondered why you're trapped in self-defeating behavior, you may be experiencing the result of a generational pattern. These are habits that were born out of necessity but over the years became adopted as a family norm. While not all generational patterns are destructive, the ones that are negatively impacting your life today definitely are.

Join Nancy Hendrickson as she demonstrates how to use Tarot to begin unraveling the patterns that no longer have a place in your life. Bring a Tarot deck separated into Majors, Minors, and Court Cards.

Presented by Kristine Gorman

Supplies needed: 1-5 tarot decks you normally don't use for tarot readings, pick the worst deck or the best as long as they have images on them. I am going to ask you 5 questions, you can use a different deck for each question or one unfamiliar deck for all your questions, whatever feels right for you! Pen and paper. All levels welcome!!

*Any tarot deck you have will work as long as it has a pictorial image on each card. (Marseille deck majors only)

Let's weave a personal mantra for you that reflects what your lovely unconscious wants to say to you! This Mantra will be the best energetic probiotic of the moment to help it all flow toward the evolution and resolution we crave and need. Spark your intuition with this hands-on magically creative exercise that is all about you! Mantra Managed!!!

Presented by David Zunker
Moderated by by Frank Kwiatkowski

From the Golden Dawn organization at the turn of the previous century to modern magical practice, Pathworking is a method to directly experience the energies of the Tarot through its undeniable links to the Hebrew Tree of Life. In this way we may learn the Tarot directly through personal inner experience. David will take us on a partially guided meditation to experience the Temperance card. David creates Sacred Space and conducts participants into the use of their breath and imagination to have an expansive and personal learning experience. We will use the Middle Pillar Exercise to raise awareness and go into a personal exploration of Tarot Major Arcana card 14 Temperance. There will be a 15 min. explanation of the process; then, from the beginning of the meditation, the "doors" will be closed to further entry. Participants are encouraged to have the time and space to be undisturbed and to be 100% clear and sober for the meditation.

Presented by Mitchell Osborn

Join Mitchell for a hybrid practice of healing and transformation. Learn how to mindfully combine the two healing modalities of EMT (eye movement therapy) and tarot for a powerful shift.

Presented by Benebell Wen
Moderated by by Amie Emberharte

I'll be sharing my personal life story and why I'm deeply invested in these topics.

We'll explore the theoretics of exorcisms and find the universal common denominator of exorcism rituals by examining practices from different cultures and religions around the world. We'll talk about pre-Christian concepts of daimons and demonology from Egyptian mythos, Taoist mysticism, and where these seemingly disparate Mysteries intersect.

Most importantly, we'll consider the peculiar relevance of understanding demonology in today's world and why more than ever, spiritualists of the 21st century can better serve their world through deepened knowledge of exorcistic practices and demonology.

(This is not a tarot-related presentation.)

Presented by Roxie Zwicker
Moderated by by Isaac Mouser

Explore the many creative ways to expand and be successful with your unique skills and offerings in this discussion group. If you are feeling stagnant or challenged to find ways to grow your audience, join Roxie for a fun, and empowering session with tips and tricks galore to help you grow in all the ways you intend to in 2021.


We will gather together for a final time to acknowledge and celebrate new friends, new skills, and new wisdom.