Don’t Miss the StaarCon 2023 AfterGlow!

Don’t Miss the StaarCon 2023 AfterGlow!

Don’t Miss the StaarCon 2023 AfterGlow!

StaarCon 2023 will be January 20 through January 22, with a thirty-day online ‘AfterGlow’ experience following the conference.

You can attend StaarCon for one day, two days, or all three days. You can join us in person in West Palm Beach, or online on the Accelevents Event Management Platform.

StaarCon 2023 features over forty presenters. There will be presentations for those just learning tarot, and for those who are tarot professionals and aspiring professionals. Tarot enthusiasts will have opportunities to deepen their skills and their practice, and to spend time with like-minded people.

At StaarCon 2023 you can also learn about Lenormand and other divination techniques. We will have presentations on astrology, magic, crystals, and mediumship.

We are excited to offer a sound bath prior to our opening ceremony, as a way of setting our intentions for the conference.

Most of our presenters will be joining us in person in West Palm Beach. If you choose to come to West Palm Beach you will enjoy the resort-style accommodations of the Hilton Palm Beach Airport Hotel, as well as the ability to meet our community luminaries in person.

Since StaarCon is a hybrid experience, we recommend bringing a laptop, tablet, or smartphone to the sessions to interact with online attendees and presenters as well.

If you join us from home, you will be amazed at how immersive, robust, and interactive the online conference is.

Of course, with four tracks and more than forty presenters, you will have to choose which presentations to attend. One of the great things about the hybrid conference is that recordings of each presentation become available online immediately after the presentation concludes.

This year our ceremonies will be recorded as well as our presentations.

Please make a plan to be part of StaarCon 2023, and get your tickets now.

Birgit Kiemes-Windmill presents Horary Astrology at StaarCon 2022.

The StaarCon AfterGlow

During the thirty days that follow StaarCon, you will have the opportunity to watch recordings of the presentations you missed, and to review the presentations you loved. We call this thirty-day period the ‘StaarCon AfterGlow’.

During the AfterGlow the online conference platform remains active. You can interact with your fellow conference attendees in the StaarCon lounges, and shop in the online Exhibition Hall. You can watch presentations with your friends and interact in the chat sessions. You can video chat with your StaarCon friends one-on-one without ever leaving the Accelevents platform.

During the AfterGlow we will have scheduled events in the StaarCon lounges. These will include a presentation on Animal Communication with Mitchell Osborn, and Dream Interpretation with Gita Rash. Christiana Gaudet will present her favorite tarot spread. You can also expect a lounge event with Maria Alviz Hernando, and a few other offerings from our community members.

StaarCon is the only hybrid tarot and divination conference in the world, and the only three-day conference that lasts for thirty days online.

The StaarCon 2022 Lounge presentations on the Accelevents website.
The StaarCast Variety Episode 3 banner.

Episode 3 of the StaarCast Variety Show

Episode 3 of the StaarCast Variety Show features an interview with Maria Alviz Hernando, a panel discussion about reading tarot for yourself, Marion Kirk’s Tarot Conference Survival Guide, and much more.

You can watch the StaarCast Variety Show on YouTube or listen to it on your favorite podcast platform. Wherever you watch or list, please hit Like, subscribe, and leave a comment!