
StaarCon Study Buddies

Join the StaarCon Community private group on Facebook to connect with new members, find a roommate for StaarCon, and continue your tarot education. Our group also hosts occasional study challenges, where you can make new friends and develop new skills. Look for the distinctive Study Buddies image and join the current challenge.

After StaarCon 2024 ends, the extended 365-day AfterGlow period begins, offering us new opportunities to learn and grow together. Many presenters will hold monthly or quarterly live classes and gatherings in the lounges.

One of the highlights of a divination conference is the opportunity to connect with other tarot enthusiasts, share knowledge, and learn together. As a fully-hybrid multi-track conference, we foster a community of learning and support throughout the year. Our social media channels are open to anyone interested in our work, while Accelevents is exclusively available to those who attended StaarCon 2024.

StaarCon Study Buddies Stories