Learn some astrology basics in this three-session intensive.

Astrology is an ancient language of symbols and meaning that provide a framework of understanding life’s magic and difficulties. It’s a tool of evolution.

Using practical, grounded teaching, I will help you become familiar with terms, symbols, relationships, and concepts. You’ll come to see the patterns and archetypes so that they make sense to you on an intuitive level.

You will learn signs, planets, the elements, and how to look at a chart.

Astrology is multifaceted and complex, but it doesn’t have to be difficult or intimidating. It can be accessible.

Highly recommended for this class – go to Astro.com, hit the button for “charts and calculations” and put your birth information in, including date, location, and the time of day (crucial). This will provide you with your birth chart. Or, if you already have your birth chart, bring it along to class.