
StaarCon 5 Sponsorship

StaarCon is grateful to have already developed an excellent relationship with our global community’s publishers, creators, and merchants.

You can become a sponsor by offering financial support at whatever level makes sense for you.  Gift contributions for attendee swag bags and digital coupons for digital swag are other ways to become a sponsor.

Sponsor logos are visible in our revolving slide shows on our large screen monitors at the Hilton throughout the conference and online in the Accelevents StaarCon lobby throughout the conference and the 365-day AfterGlow.

Sponsors will be mentioned and thanked during the opening and closing ceremonies and on social media.


StaarCon 2022 setting up for a presentation

If you would like to become a sponsor of StaarCon 5, please fill out the handy form below, or call Christiana at 561-655-1160.

Sponsors are placed in our revolving slide shows on our large screen monitors at the hotel and online in the Accelevents StaarCon lobby.

We welcome new and returning sponsors to support StaarCon 5.


Sasha Graham signing books at StaarCon 2022

StaarCon also publishes a full-color print and digital program. If you are interested in advertising, please email for details! Send to cgaudet@staarcon.com.

Advertising in our program is a way to promote your enterprise and support our conference.


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