
*Visualize, Imagine, Believe, Energize

Join Hattie Parker, Astro-Numerologist, Tarot Reader, and Creator of the VIBE 432 Energy Card Deck on a journey to a destination where love is the center of life and living.  VIBE 432 Energy Cards were conceived and inspired by the Vibrational Frequency 432 hz. which is the ambient sound of LOVE.  The guiding principle of High VIBE Mastery is the saying:  “No matter what the question -- the answer is love.”  We will lovingly open you to embrace quiet peace, breathe deeply, and share a heart opening High V-I-B-E Mastery experience of:

  • V • Visualizing:  Loving-vividly,
  • I • Imagining:  Loving-intensely,
  • B • Believing:  Loving-bravely,
  • E • Energizing:  Loving-enthusiastically

BONUS: Our metaphysical secret of mastery will be revealed and experienced.  Learn more about High VIBE Mastery @  bit.ly/HVM2025.  Learn more about Hattie @ hattieparker.com.