Presented by Alisa Picerno & Alan Giana
Sound healing has been a home remedy favored by many cultures for thousands of years.  From historic Native American drum circles to modern shaman ceremonies in the Middle East, waves of soothing, echoing sound generated from traditional wind and percussion instruments, also known as a “sound bath,” help with stress, fatigue, and depression.  Since stress can lead to many physical conditions like diabetes and heart disease, participating in regular sound bath meditations can be a positive wellness strategy to reduce the risk of chronic conditions too. Through sound we achieve a deeper understanding of self, enhanced awareness and compassion for others and a stronger connection to our Universal Source or Higher Power.  This doesn’t just take hearing, but active listening.  Since all humans have vibrational energy, the goal of a sound bath is to create a state of harmony in the listener by layering sound waves to clear blockage from the person’s energy fields. Evoke some serenity in this New Year with a cascading sound bath featuring Himalayan singing bowls, crystal bowls, gongs, drums and a variety of musical tones.  Be a listener, bathed in vibration and frequency; immersed in a sound field that takes you into your own unique experience. Balance your nervous system, reduce stress, and support your personal process of recovery and transformation.  Expect to “tune” the body and synchronize brain waves, while soothing the mind, body and spirit.

*Visualize, Imagine, Believe, Energize

Join Hattie Parker, Astro-Numerologist, Tarot Reader, and Creator of the VIBE 432 Energy Card Deck on a journey to a destination where love is the center of life and living.  VIBE 432 Energy Cards were conceived and inspired by the Vibrational Frequency 432 hz. which is the ambient sound of LOVE.  The guiding principle of High VIBE Mastery is the saying:  “No matter what the question -- the answer is love.”  We will lovingly open you to embrace quiet peace, breathe deeply, and share a heart opening High V-I-B-E Mastery experience of:

  • V • Visualizing:  Loving-vividly,
  • I • Imagining:  Loving-intensely,
  • B • Believing:  Loving-bravely,
  • E • Energizing:  Loving-enthusiastically

BONUS: Our metaphysical secret of mastery will be revealed and experienced.  Learn more about High VIBE Mastery @  Learn more about Hattie @

Presented by Joseph Farrar

Are you looking to connect with your inner self and balance your spiritual energy in a way that ultimately enhances your daily life? If yes, then the Middle Pillar Ritual is for you! In this class, you'll not only explore the ancient Qabalistic teachings behind the ritual, but you'll learn how to implement this newfound knowledge as a way to balance and activate your chakras, connect with the divine, and awaken your spiritual potential. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced practitioner alike, you'll leave with not only a deeper understanding of your own energetic system, but with the tools to truly harness its power as well as your own. Don't miss out on this transformative experience!

Presented by Aerik Arkadian

What do didgeridoos, frame drums, shakers, and singing bowls have in common? They’re all fun and require zero training to play. Let’s make some noise and tap into the sacred vibrations that connect us all. Come as you are and experiment with what’s in the room or bring your own favorite ritual instrument. Dance if you like. Or just hang out and listen. Remote attendees will be shown a video overview that explains different instruments, their history, the sounds they make, and how they can be incorporated into ritual.

Quiet and Calm Track events are not streamed live and are not recorded. Virtual attendees can view a recorded presentation on the topic.

Presented by Kimberly Scheurer

A second Spirit Circle at StaarCon 5!

Participants are encouraged to bring items, pictures, or small trinkets to honor their loved ones in Spirit.

This is a sacred and high-vibrational event! However, these circles are not all serious. Expect good vibes and lots of laughter.

Recording and/ or taking notes is encouraged.

(Limited to 10 people)

Quiet and Calm Track presentations are not live-streamed on Accelevents. However, a recording related to the session will be provided on the Accelevents portal.