StaarCon 2022 Headline

Come for a Day or the Weekend!

StaarCon is a two-day conference with a third daylong Preconference Intensive. If you are only able to attend for a single day, either in person or online, you can purchase a ticket just for that day.

As a courtesy, we will include a Three of Cups General Admission ticket with your single day ticket. This will give you access to the classes in the Public Track on both Saturday and Sunday. Even if you cannot be there during the conference, you will have thirty days to watch those classes during the StaarCon AfterGlow on Accelevents Event Management Platform.

The single day tickets are as follows.

The Page of Swords is for the preconference intensive on Friday.

The Ace of Wands is for all three tracks of classes on Saturday.

The Ace of Cups is for all three tracks of classes on Sunday.

When you get your ticket, make sure you choose the ticket for In Person & Virtual Admission if you plan to join us in person in Palm Beach Gardens. If you plan to attend online, choose the ticket for Virtual Admission Only.

If you have any questions about ticketing for StaarCon, call or text Christiana at 561-655-1160, or email.

Ribbon and star wand

Mark Your Calendar for the AfterGlow Lounge Events

Every StaarCon ticket holder, no matter the ticket level, will have access to the StaarCon AfterGlow on Accelevents.

Every ticket holder will be able to view recordings of all classes included in their ticket level, shop in the virtual exhibition hall, and meet their conference friends in the lounges on Accelevents.

We also have three pre-scheduled lounge events, so mark your calendar to make sure you join us.

On Monday, January 31, 7 pm ET, join Mitchell Osborn for An Evening of Tarot Improv: A Fool’s Improvised Entertainment Journey.

Tarot improv with Mitchell is fun, funny, and extremely informative. At StaarCon 2021 we learned just how well tarot improve works in the online environment. Join us!

On Thursday, February 5, 7 pm ET, Christiana Gaudet and Barrett Urmy will be brainstorming a Star Trek tarot deck. If you are a fan of any or all of the Star Trek series, join us for a fun discussion of how the archetypes of tarot show up in the Star Trek universe.

On Thursday, February 10th at 7 pm ET it’s Tarot Healing with Amie Mouser.   Join Amie for some healing exploration and community connection. Bring your cards and questions for support and encouragement as you move forward.

Other lounge events will get scheduled during StaarCon 2022, and some will happen quite spontaneously. These three events are pre-scheduled, so we have something to look forward to so we can keep the post-conference blues away.

Woman holding a phone and reading tarot cards

Logging in to Accelevents

Once you have your ticket to StaarCon, whether online or in person, you can log in to Accelevents. If you like, you can download the Accelevents app. This will be especially helpful for those who will be attending the conference in person.

You can also log in to Accelevents on a tablet, lap-top or desktop.

Accelevents has wonderful help files to give you any information you need. They even have a chat button where you can ask an Accelevents employee for help and direction.

Here is a great explanation of how to get started on Accelevents as a StaarCon attendee.

The more you familiarize yourself with Accelevents prior to StaarCon, the more you will enjoy it during the conference and AfterGlow.

Palm Beach from the air

StaarCon Travel and Meals

If you are attending StaarCon in person, you will need to think about travel and meals.

It is easy to fly into Palm Beach International Airport and take an Uber or Lyft to the hotel, just ten minutes away.

Depending on where you are flying from, you might find it easier to land in Orlando or Fort Lauderdale and rent a car, or take a train to West Palm Beach, and Uber or Lyft from there.

If you are driving to StaarCon, you will find the DoubleTree Executive Meeting Center has plenty of safe and easy parking.

While at StaarCon, you have the option to get your lunches and your Saturday dinner with the StaarCon meal plan. The restaurant located within the DoubleTree is open only for breakfast, so the StaarCon lunches are a great way to save time and make sure you are ready for the afternoon sessions.

You must purchase your StaarCon meal tickets by January 10. Scroll to the end of the ticketing page to choose your meals.

If you have not yet reserved your hotel room at the DoubleTree, use the link below for your discount.

If you have any questions about your travel arrangements, please do not hesitate to reach out.

StaarCast banner featuring Kim Danbert

Kim Danbert on StaarCast

StaarCast is a podcast that is all about StaarCon! Each episode Christiana interviews StaarCon presenters to learn about who they are and what they do. Our most recent StaarCast episode features Kim Danbert. Kim is a very skilled tarot reader, and somewhat unusual in the way she bridges between her spiritual worlds. Listen to the episode to find out more.

You can watch the video on YouTube, or listen to StaarCast wherever you get your podcasts.

Three People Social Networking

StaarCon Social Networking

We have a private Facebook group called StaarCon Community where we do Study Buddy exercises, find ride shares, hotel roommates, and other conference and community related things.

We also have a home on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram! Please Like and Follow StaarCon, so you can stay connected with your conference friends all year long.