Presented by Dame Darcy

In the current marketplace, how does one decide on a design theme for a tarot deck? 
What are some ideas to take into consideration? 

With so many people outside of the community trying to cash in on Tarot these days, how can an independently made tarot deck stand out in a sea of commercial corporate-made decks? 

What goes into a deck’s design,  and what are some of the characteristics, like paper weight, layout and special features that help to make it unique and different from other designs in the marketplace? 

Designers Pleasant and Dame Darcy discuss our journey in Tarot deck design and the things we considered and encountered when creating our series of highly popular Tarot decks. 

Dame Darcy Pleasant Publishing are design consultants who work with partners to realize your tarot deck vision. 

We are available to help you design & produce your tarot deck and books.