
Are your oracle readings too cryptic and vague? Learn the keys to make your oracle readings poignant, relevant and specific and make the most of the decks that you own and love.

This is not a class that will teach you how to read with one specific oracle deck, but a way to create a system that works with most decks so that you can use them to extract the most information, blending the specifics of each deck with a structure that supports your readings, keys to help you connect the dots and your very own intuition.

In this session you will learn:

- What oracle decks are ideal for this and how to tell them apart

- Structures that will help you build a solid foundation for your readings

- How to remove the chaff and see the essence of the cards regardless of the deck

- How to rewire your patterns of thought to identify storylines in different decks

- How to turn vague insights into concrete answers to the questions that you or your querents actually have