
Empowering Your Tarot Practice Through the Lens of Martial Arts

Presented by Jennifer Steidley

The physical realm presents us with vast opportunities for spiritual growth. The traditional imagery found in the Smith Waite system of Tarot offers us countless opportunities to ponder physical concepts such as standing in our authority, moving stuck energy, breaking free from limiting situations, and the need to protect and defend ourselves (physically, mentally, and spiritually).

The Universe Speaks in Verse: Exploring Connections Between Divination and Poetry

Presented by Christiana Gaudet

Poetry and divination have an inextricable connection. Many divination systems have historical ties to poetry, and Mother Shipton and Nostradamus prophesied in verse. The connections between tarot and poetry are deep and abundant. In this presentation, we will discover innovative ways to connect with tarot and spirit by unlocking our inner oracular poets.