​Pucker up Staarcon friends! An exciting new energy reading system has been developing over the past few decades and more people are wanting to know: What is lip print reading all about?

Lip print reading is a type of physiognomy. That is the reading of a person’s character and state of being based upon their appearance, especially their facial features. 

The insights gleaned from studying a person’s lip prints are different from and complementary to those that arise with tarot. For example, with lip prints, we can see into a person’s mental habits and find a lot of information about how they are feeling in their body, in relationship to other people, and to this universe. 

Like an aura reading, we see an image of the person right here and now. Like crystal ball divination or tea leaf reading, we look for meaningful symbols within the print. 

There are so many compelling insights that come up in a lip print reading! Alongside tarot, the two methods complement one another beautifully.

Join Amy Forman for a two-part workshop in which we will study the basics of lip print reading and practice together. All necessary tools will be provided for in-person attendees. Virtually attendees will need cream lipstick and some index cards.