Presented by Christiana Gaudet
Moderated by by Amie Emberharte

While we all perceive and understand Spirit differently, we all experience something spiritual in a tarot reading. Whether we see this is a function of our own consciousness or something outside of ourselves isn't important to the process. What is important is that we learn to work with energy in order to create the circumstances in which a great tarot reading can take place.

In this section, we will learn ways to create and manage the energy of a tarot reading. This process allows us, as readers, to function at our highest potential. When we understand how to create and manage the energy of a tarot reading, the following things become true. We create an energetic connection with our tarot cards which engenders flow of communication and heightened intuition. We create a safe and sacred space in which to perform divination. We create an environment in which we easily enter the flow and zone of tarot reader, absent of anxiety and apprehension. We create a connection with our client which encourages communication and intuition. We engage the third eye to enhance the intuitive aspects of tarot reading and allow the card images to speak. We create an environment in which our client is receptive to truth, understanding and healing.

This session is moderated by Amie Mouser.

Presented by Christiana Gaudet
Moderated by by Amie Emberharte

Each card can perform numerous functions in a reading. In this section we will learn how keywords, images, classic interpretations, correspondences and intuitive hits work together to form a reading that is pertinent, accurate and inspiring. This will include the following topics. Allow multiple images and keywords to inform your reading by developing the 'Deck in Your Head'. Don't limit what the cards can say to you in a reading. Find the right keywords for the right situation. Allow the cards to speak with each other. Allow dignity to give nuance and healing magick to your interpretations. This session is moderated by Amie Mouser.

Presented by Christiana Gaudet
Moderated by by Amie Emberharte

The techniques available to us for giving a tarot reading are vast. While each tarot reader has their preferred methods, it is important to have a full toolbox of techniques at your disposal. Having many techniques gives us the best possibility to handle any situation that arises at the tarot table. In this section we will learn the following methods. How to work with tarot spreads. How to dialogue with the cards. How to break out a question. The Moderator for the session is Amie Mouser.

Presented by Christiana Gaudet
Moderated by by Amie Emberharte

We can derive an astounding amount of information in a reading. Yet, it won't mean much if we can't deliver that information in a way that is palatable, understandable, entertaining, empowering and healing. In this final section we will practice delivering messages and handling client resistance at the tarot table. Our focus will include the following. Helping the client process and release hurt and disappointment. Offering new perspectives that empower the client. Helping the client understand their options for the future. Working to manifest the client's best destiny. Identifying and changing false narratives.

Presented by Christiana Gaudet
Moderated by by Amie Emberharte

In closing, will spend a few supportive moments together to take account of what we have learned. We will set intentions to use this new knowledge in our practices going forward.