
It may not be the Oracle of Delphi but the GAME OF FORTUNE - Panel Tarot Readings using a Wheel of Fortune to choose the reader - will combine chance and reading skill in a way that is sure to be as entertaining as it will be enlightening.  We will have three tarot readers ready to read for online and in-person participants’ specific questions.

A spin of the wheel will determine which reader will answer each question. The exercise is designed to showcase a variety of reading styles as well as give us a chance to mix it up Tarot style, play, and have fun.  


The cards on your table show an intricate landscape of the situation that your querent is going through. Get past rigid, card-by-card interpretations to unveil the richness of detail and meaning hidden in the patterns of your draw. In this class, you will learn tips and techniques to see the full picture and add layers of meaning to your readings, threading the cards together to form round and sound predictions that your querents can relate to.

Presented by Joe Monteleone

Ending suffering sounds like a good idea, no?  Let's see what the tarot has to say about it, with its holographic nature and ties to mysticism. How can this rich symbolism illustrate a path to the highest bliss?


Jason Augustus Newcomb has been reading Tarot professionally in a wide variety of settings for over thirty years. In this lecture and discussion, he will share a wealth of advice on the practicalities of developing your Tarot business, as well as how to offer consultations that uplift your clients even if there are signs of trouble on the horizon (The Tower, The Nine of Swords etc.).

Having worked in the industry most of his life he has had the frequent experience of a new client coming to him after having been belittled, terrified or emotionally scarred by the careless statements of another reader. He is going to share a few simple "dos and don'ts" that will help your serve your clients so you can be be the best reader possiblefrom a client-centered perspective.

Presented by Kooch Daniels

This introductory numerology class focuses on your birth date numbers to reveal your or your client’s alignment with specific major arcana cards.  Using a keyword guide, we’ll look at the essential elements of single digit numbers in relation to their universal qualities that have been determined by ancient sages. You’ll learn to strengthen your ability to answer Tarot questions by learning what lies hidden in numeric vibrations, one number at a time. Together, we’ll explore how to analyze your special numbers in relation to major cards.  Also, as time allows, we’ll look at birth dates of class volunteers and give short demonstration numerology/Tarot readings.  Please bring your major arcana cards to this talk.

Presented by Erich Landstrom

As easy to see and excellent as the Big Dipper and Orion’s belt are, what they are NOT is a part of the zodiac. Learn where to look for planets and the Moon in the springtime sky after sunset. Activities to identify IRL a few important constellations that guide a stargazer to the zodiac and the ecliptic to appreciate the heavens behind the horoscopes.