
Feeling blocked? You may need to unblock and redirect your energy flow!

Learn about the Universal energy field, the human energy field and how holistic interventions can balance body (physiological), mind (psychological) and spirit (metaphysical/spiritual) to correct the flow of energy, facilitate healing and achieve improved health.

Presented by Madam Adam

Join Madam Adam for a practical and modern take on the minor arcana of tarot. Learn how to get to the practical, base meaning of a card with confidence. 

Presented by Peter Coe

Learn about the Pleiades, and perform a new tarot spread inspired by this unique star cluster.

The Pleiades layout will offer a solution to your question.

The workshop will briefly introduce the Pleiades from mythology to starseeds, followed by a nine-card layout where each of the named stars gives insight into your question.

Presented by Erich Landstrom

Let’s play a game together. Join Erich for some tarot fun.

If you know movies and tarot, you might win the game.

Presented by Arwen Lynch-Poe

Come join Arwen for cocktails! No, there will not be alcohol, but you are welcome to indulge later in the bar if you so choose.

Have you dreamt of writing that book? Maybe not the NGAN (Next Great American Novel), but the kind of story YOU want to read? Bring your cards, your notebook, and a pen (unless you possess an eidetic memory) to learn at least one new way of meeting your characters. If we have time, we will practice a second method. Regardless, you will have all the information on the handout.

One thing is certain. Characters are the blood of any story. If the reader doesn't like the character, they will not finish the book. (Insert VOICE OF DOOOOOM!) Let Arwen show you how to create a character who will leap off the pages of your story. Even villains need backstory. This deceptively simple spread can be used for any character including that baker down the street from where your main character works.

Presented by Karen Winkel

In this class, we’ll start with general concepts of manifesting, then move on to using the moon’s phases and astrological signs to generate power and focus toward your specific manifestations.  We’ll cover how to create a manifestation altar with tarot cards, crystals, candles, and symbolic tokens to further focus energy on creation of the desired outcome.  Practical examples of common manifestations will guide you in applying the information after class.  Come learn how to be a master manifester!