Presented by Beth Conklin

Come learn a fun and intuitive method of journaling. When we stimulate our intellect and intuition with images our responses can be filled with self knowledge. Any tarot or oracle can be used for this process. Along the way you will also learn more about the deck you choose.

Bring a notebook, pen and a deck or two of any kind. Additional decks will be available to use during the presentation. 

Presented by Karen Winkel

Join us as we discuss the meaning and importance of the twelfth house in the natal chart.  Covering the influences of the signs and planets associated with the twelfth house in your chart and how to lean into the positive influences and mitigate the negative.  Please have a copy of your natal chart available so you can get the most out of this workshop.  Free charts are available at astro.com.

Presented by Brenda Elizabeth

Learn to connect the insight and messages contained in the energy of the chakras using Tarot. 

Presented by Anthony Perrotta

This presentation is based on Anthony's recent writings and teachingsAstroEdit intrinsically links astrology with fashion. This goes beyond the concept of “dressing for your season” or wearing what’s currently on trend. This is about finding a unique and tailored experience simply by working with your own astrological chart. Something more long-lasting. Something more you. We will be exploring how to style yourself based on your chart and transit and take a closer look at how astrology influences the fashion industry as a whole. Additionally, there will be elements of palmistry, tarot, as well as a PDF guide and ritual kit for you to take home and try out AstroEdit for yourself. 

Presented by Hippy Pippy

Join Pip for a hands-on tarot session that will teach you about tarot, and about yourself.


When we approach a divination session, be it tarot, oracle, or astrology, there are, in many cases, two minds involved: the querent and the diviner. While the cards or charts are laid out and the diviner interprets, the querent has their own beliefs and blocks. The diviner must also make mental leaps about the querent's motivations, desires, and behavioral choices. In this interactive session, we will walk through the mental gymnastics we undertake as a diviner or as a querent and explore the social cognition involved in divination. Come with an open mind, and leave with adventures.


Christiana and Aerik lead the conference in the closing ceremony. Join us in a moment of appreciation and affirmation as we share our joy of tarot, art, divination, and community.