Presented by Peter Coe

The sun will enter the zodiac sign of Aquarius on January 21, during StaarCon.  In this workshop you will learn the mythology associated with the Sign of Aquarius.

Then you will perform an original tarot/oracle spread using a six-card layout corresponding to the star pattern of the Aquarius constellation. As you perform this spread you will discover the hopes, wishes, passions, challenges, setbacks, and outcomes you may encounter during this Aquarian season and beyond.

This workshop will give you practice performing and interpreting a positioned tarot spread. You will also learn about the nature of Aquarius. You will gather the information you need to make the most of this special season.


Natal Astrology gives us information about our self, our strengths, and skills. It helps us in vocational questions, to find the right path out of a crisis.

Horary Astrology gives us more detailed information, which job offer to take, when will we find prince charming, when to have a party.

Birgit will guide you through a chart where the techniques work hand in hand and give us priceless information.


Get Ready to Light Up Your Path to Abundance!

In this program you will learn a comprehensive approach on how to incorporate manifestation techniques into your life on a daily basis.  In order to manifest your dreams you must live in a state of true manifestation.

Learning and applying the laws and methods of manifestation can be quite overwhelming  which is why the Automagical Manifestation Program will help you break down several methods of creating abundance and prosperity in your life.

We will cover a lot of material, providing the opportunity for the right bit of information to emerge that lights your path to an abundance awakening.

We will explore creating sacred spaces, how to find the tools that work for the Unique You, and how to ascend to a level where manifesting your best life happens automagically.


Introducing VIBE 432

VIBE 432 is a system inspired by the magic, mystery and profound insightful value gleaned from Tarot. It involves using a small set of specially designed divination cards to assess and gain insights that are then used to support and uplift the energy field of the person consulting the cards. Its purpose is to offer guidance for enhancing effectiveness and success related to any and all circumstances. It can be utilized for self-guided readings and/or for the benefit of clients and people seeking divination inspired guidance.

The name VIBE 432 relates to the ambient sound Vibration 432 hz.  This tone is attributed to be the sound and energetic frequency of love, healing, OM and any related energetic forces of supreme well-being. There is substantial scientific and anecdotal evidence to support the efficacy of this claim. The name VIBE 432 contains the secrets of this tool’s meaning and purpose. VIBE is an acronym for “Visionary Victory through Insight and Breakthrough Energy”. The number 432 in numerology adds to a total of 9 (4 + 3 + 2 = 9). The #9 is a number associated with completion and wholeness. The cards are designed to help people succeed through gaining enhanced wholeness.

Hattie is the creator and a founding partner in the nonprofit organization Vibration 432, Inc., that is committed to promoting healing. In this workshop she will demonstrate and guide participants in how to use the VIBE 432 system for personal and professional purposes. To facilitate a workshop hands-on demonstration we will use selected cards from a regular Tarot deck. If you want to participate in this activity please bring a deck of Tarot cards to the session.

Presented by Michelle Barrie

Come make new friends in this fun and enlightening workshop while you learn to do a reading using the Lenormand divination system.  Imagine asking your cards. "Tell me something about my new friend," and being able to look at your spread and have the cards provide information you could not have known.

The Lenormand system is known for its incredible accuracy, on-point descriptive abilities, clarity, and simplicity. It can literally describe your personality, tell us what you do for work, describe your state of mind and health and more.

If you are joining us in person and do not have a deck, no worries, we will have extras to lend you.

A Lenormand interpretation cheat sheet will be provided for all attendees, both in person and online.

Presented by Gita Rash

Take your tarot readings to the next level incorporating Arithmancy also known as numerology, which is a powerful system of divination and adds a depth to the tarot cards by establishing a relationship between numerical values and words.