Toni Puhle is the author of The Card Geek’s Guide to Kipper, and creator of The Card Geek’s Kipper.
Toni has researched and studied the traditional systems of Lenormand, Kipper and Gypsy Cards in England, France and Germany. She lives a stone’s throw from Munich where the first Kipper Deck was released and not far from the roots of the Game of Hope in Nuremberg. The last 10 years Toni has focused on Kipper Cards and how they have been read in Bavaria meeting amazing generational readers and families who pass down the art of reading Kipper. Toni teaches students around the world the art of system reading and how to return to their roots to create an amazing predictive read.

Presented by Toni Puhle
Moderated by by Christiana Gaudet
The Kipper Cards form a perfect balance to any Tarot read. I will be walking you hand by hand through the situational nuances of the Kipper Deck that will enhance your Tarot predictions and present your clients with a practical look at their future. Join me on your divination journey at StaarCon and learn everything you need to know to jump start your Kipper storylines with a blast.