Presented by Marion Kirk

This class will introduce the concept of Tarot Decans, their history and origins, and why they are useful tools in your tarot reading toolkit. You will also learn how to use the knowledge you acquire.

Presented by Mercedes Vasquez

Session details will be available soon!

Presented by Marion Kirk

This class is taking the work with Decans to the next level. Not only will you map out your entire astrological chart, but you will also learn how each part of you communicates with one another through the tarot associations of each of your planetary placements.

*Access to your birth chart is required for this class - you can get this for free at www.cafeastrology.com

**House system is not relevant for these classes.


It may not be the Oracle of Delphi, but the GAME OF FORTUNE PANEL READINGS - spinning a Wheel of Fortune to choose the reader - will combine chance and reading skills in a way that is sure to be as entertaining as it will be enlightening.

A panel of readers will be convened to perform on-the-spot mini-readings in front of a group. Participants randomly chosen from the audience will ask a question, and we will spin the Wheel of Fortune to see which reader will be chosen to answer.  This exercise is designed to showcase a variety of reading styles as well as give us a chance to mix it up divination-style, play, and have fun.

Presented by Caroline Ironwill
Join Caroline Ironwill for an in-depth talk about the benefits of tarot for those with Autism/ ADHD and other neurodivergent conditions.
Presented by Marion Kirk

This class will combine all we have learned to create a big picture of who you are. We will introduce other people and how their placements and cards either complement or challenge us. We will then consider ways we can use this information to bring growth to our lives.

Presented by Kimberly Scheurer
There are many ways in which our ancestors speak to us. They greet us through birds, butterflies, song lyrics, and dreams! Kim will share fascinating stories of Spirit communication, including using modern technology such as text messages, Facebook memories, and even AI technology.
Jennie Sikes
Presented by Jennie Sikes

Welcome to a transformative journey of self-discovery and connection with your higher self, and spirit guides through a group hypnosis session.

In this group session, guided by Jennie and your inner wisdom, we'll explore your subconsciousness with light relaxation.

Together, we'll uncover truths, heal wounds, and receive guidance for your highest good. With trust and openness, you'll emerge refreshed and deeply connected to your inner truth, carrying newfound clarity and insight into your life.

Presented by Jennifer Steidley

The physical realm presents us with vast opportunities for spiritual growth. The traditional imagery found in the Smith Waite system of Tarot offers us countless opportunities to ponder physical concepts such as standing in our authority, moving stuck energy, breaking free from limiting situations, and the need to protect and defend ourselves (physically, mentally, and spiritually). Drawing upon principles and techniques found in Martial Arts, we will compare physical concepts with the spiritual lessons of Tarot, allowing you to see the cards through a new lens. For example, in Martial Arts, we learn a “right” way to fall to protect our head and bones from damage. Rest assured, you will not be asked actually to fall in this class, but understanding the physical mechanics behind this technique can bring a fresh sense of empowerment to the daunting energy of the Tower card. In this class, we will liberate the sense of discomfort associated with some of the most difficult cards in Tarot by applying Martial Arts techniques used in real-world situations and engaging in active physical learning suitable for all abilities.

Expect a lively mix of metaphorical discussion, demonstrations with props, and active student participation in this class. You will also leave with a few newfound self-defense skills under your belt. This physical journey through the Tarot will empower your Tarot practice for you and your clients!

*ALL are invited! This class incorporates a few active yet straightforward movements that can be executed from a standing position, accommodating all fitness levels. Participants are encouraged to try the physical movements, but those who prefer to sit and observe are equally welcome!

Presented by Ben Tomlin

Session details will be announced soon!

Presented by Kamille Barnes

Session details will be available soon!

Presented by Mitchell Osborn

Join Mitchell and explore a unique way of creating a brand-new spread from an existing concept, structure, or saying. He will share several spreads he has created. We will create one together as a group and one individually.

Presented by Wendee Molano
Professional readers encounter all types of clients, and some of them bring rather strange and unexplained situations to the tarot table. Wendee will examine some of those unexpected readings and lead a group discussion on what ethical challenges they may pose.
Presented by Christiana Gaudet

Poetry and divination have an inextricable connection. Many divination systems have historical ties to poetry, and Mother Shipton and Nostradamus prophesied in verse. The connections between tarot and poetry are deep and abundant. In this presentation, we will discover innovative ways to connect with tarot and spirit by unlocking our inner oracular poets.


Join Christiana, Teri Salomoni and friends for the opening ceremony for StaarCon 5! We will gather together as a community to create sacred space, set intentions, and perform divinations for our weekend ahead.

The Opening Ceremony is open to the public and available to watch live on Accelevents with any ticket including the Virtual General Admission ticket!

Join me in this practical session and get ready to get your hands dirty! Exvotes have been created for millenia for protection, fertility, abundance, good fortune and healing among other purposes, and during the first portion of the session, we will learn about what they are, what they can be used for, and how they can aid you in your magical practice, petitions or healing requests, and then... Then we’ll jump into action and make our own! Because the best way to learn something new is doing it! In person attendees: I will provide clay and other materials for this session, but it is recommended to bring a little container with you so that you can take your exvote with you (and let it set and dry). Online attendees: You will need to provide your own supplies. The basic is clay, whether the classic brown clay or the white one, depending on how much of a mess you're willing to make. Stay away from fimo or similar for these because some of these are later buried and we don't want to bury plastic derivatives! Optional: your preferred herbs to use for your goal, and a candle.
Presented by Kooch Daniels
Using the symbolism in the natal zodiac chart as the source of inspiration to connect you with your oracular voice, we’ll discuss twelve-house wheel of life symbolic patterns to help you gain insight, move toward greater clarity, and interpret cosmic messages using the major arcana cards of your favorite deck. (Please take a moment before class to separate the twenty-two major arcana cards from your other cards.) If you don’t have a copy of your personal horoscope, class demonstrations and handouts will provide you with information to create the zodiac spreads using your own chart when you have it to view.  You’ll be offered several different card spreads to help you find answers to your questions.
Presented by Brenda Elizabeth
Join Brenda Elizabeth for this meditation practice to increase your intuition.
Presented by Gita Rash

Delve into the fascinating world of dreams and learn to connect with them and manifest your goals to achieve love, harmony, success, and spiritual growth. Discover your latent powers and personal messages by decoding your dreams. Unlock the treasure trove laden with secrets of your subconscious mind through symbology, archetypes, metaphors, and other methods. Travel on a spiritual journey of the inner self or through the astral realms for a fascinating ride. Connect with loved ones, spirit guides, angels, and ancestors to glean wisdom and knowledge.

Presented by Diana Price

Unlock the secrets of celestial magic in our Planetary Happy Hour! Each day of the week and hour of the day holds unique cosmic power that can transform your life. Discover the right planetary deity for each day and hour, the ancient Orphic hymns to call upon them, and learn what each can do for you magickally. Whether you're looking to boost your intuition, ignite passion, or attract abundance, there's a planet waiting to lend you its energy… if you just ask in the right way at the right time!

Presented by Hamsa Raja PhD.

Professional tarot reading requires some specific skills. Join Hamsa for a comprehensive discussion of difficult client sessions and actionable solutions.

Presented by Mercedes Vasquez

Session details will be available soon!

Presented by Gita Rash

Delve into the fascinating world of dreams and learn to connect with them and manifest your goals to achieve love, harmony, success, and spiritual growth. Discover your latent powers and personal messages by decoding your dreams. Unlock the treasure trove laden with secrets of your subconscious mind through symbology, archetypes, metaphors, and other methods. Travel on a spiritual journey of the inner self or through the astral realms for a fascinating ride. Connect with loved ones, spirit guides, angels, and ancestors to glean wisdom and knowledge.

Presented by Vicki Santell

We will travel into the World Tree to experience the three multidimensional realms of the lower, middle, and upper worlds, or as Carl Jung termed them, the sub-conscious, conscious, and super-conscious parts of ourselves. This is a positive way to increase your intuition and connection and bring back information for divination, healing, and ceremony.

Quiet and Calm Track events are not streamed live and are not recorded. Virtual attendees can view a pre-recorded video explaining Shamanic Journey Work.

Presented by Rhonda Alin

Session details will be announced soon!

Presented by Aerik Arkadian

Runes are powerful. They can stand alone or augment other forms of divination. Although it sometimes seems counterintuitive, their simple designs allow the reader to tap into a vast network of information. In this workshop, we’ll cover the basics of runic divination, from dowsing to casting, with an emphasis on the Elder Futhark alphabet.

Presented by Roxi Sim

Roxi will discuss her artistic and healing journey through creating her Pearls of Wisdom Tarot. She embarked on the journey after losing her health, her youngest son Shea, and her Mother, Margaret, in a short period of time.  Having studied art therapy and Jungian psychology at University, Roxi understood that art was indeed great therapy to overcome depression and grief. Though she did not know much about Tarot when she started, learning about each card was healing, as she very much "lived" each card as she painted it.

Roxi will discuss how she used her own symbolism, including the language of flowers, Runes, and crystals, in her deck while still adhering to the underlying structure of the Tarot and the meanings of each card.

Presented by Kimberly Scheurer

Participants are encouraged to bring items, pictures, or small trinkets to honor their loved ones in Spirit.

This is a sacred and high-vibrational event! However, these circles are not all serious. Expect good vibes and lots of laughter.

Recording and/ or taking notes is encouraged.

(Limited to 10 people)

Quiet and Calm Track presentations are not live-streamed on Accelevents. However, a recording related to the session will be provided on the Accelevents portal.


Presented by Lisa Papez

Do you struggle to wrap your brain around how to read tarot more organically? Does your analytical brain get in the way of tapping into your inner voice? Does the word "psychic" make you feel uneasy? Do you ever feel like you're just not "that type" of tarot reader? You're not alone. I spent years trying to reconcile my deep desire to intellectualize how tarot works with the often unexplainable experiences I had working with the cards. Eventually, I realized intuition exists in the liminal space between what is logical or explainable and what defies explanation.

In this workshop, we'll explore this liminal space together while I encourage you to explore what happens when you spend less time overthinking and more time trusting your instincts. I'll also share my favorite technique for dipping your toes into intuitive tarot reading in a way that appeases your more analytical side. I designed this method to be simple, accessible, and repeatable so that you can focus on improving your ability to read intuitively in a practical way. If that sounds good to you, I hope you'll join me. See you there!

Presented by Kristine Gorman

Session details will be available soon!

Presented by Cardsy B

Session details will be announced soon!

Presented by Christine Leiser

Join your host, Christine Leiser, in the Bardic Circle. (Bring a drink from the bar if you like). Bring a story, poem, skit, game, song, or dance to share with the group. Don’t forget to bring your clapping hands, stomping feet, and singing voices. Come, be entertained, and entertain each other in reverence and mirth. Share your energy and have a great time in the circle. 

Presented by Elizabeth Russell

The deep imagination is an extraordinary tool of communication and creation. Through it we can receive messages from Nature/Cosmos and envision something better for ourselves and the world.

Learn about Sabian Symbols as one way to tune in to the signals and cues guiding you toward life-sustaining actions in your day-to-day life.

Creating brief rituals and mini-stories using these astrological degree symbols turns on the nonlinear mind and strengthens your generative imagination.

Presented by Alisa Picerno & Alan Giana
Sound healing has been a home remedy favored by many cultures for thousands of years.  From historic Native American drum circles to modern shaman ceremonies in the Middle East, waves of soothing, echoing sound generated from traditional wind and percussion instruments, also known as a “sound bath,” help with stress, fatigue, and depression.  Since stress can lead to many physical conditions like diabetes and heart disease, participating in regular sound bath meditations can be a positive wellness strategy to reduce the risk of chronic conditions too. Through sound we achieve a deeper understanding of self, enhanced awareness and compassion for others and a stronger connection to our Universal Source or Higher Power.  This doesn’t just take hearing, but active listening.  Since all humans have vibrational energy, the goal of a sound bath is to create a state of harmony in the listener by layering sound waves to clear blockage from the person’s energy fields. Evoke some serenity in this New Year with a cascading sound bath featuring Himalayan singing bowls, crystal bowls, gongs, drums and a variety of musical tones.  Be a listener, bathed in vibration and frequency; immersed in a sound field that takes you into your own unique experience. Balance your nervous system, reduce stress, and support your personal process of recovery and transformation.  Expect to “tune” the body and synchronize brain waves, while soothing the mind, body and spirit.
Presented by Karen Winkel

Session details will be available soon!

Presented by Dionne C. Monsanto

A description of this session is coming soon.

Quiet and Calm Track presentations are not livestreamed on Accelevents. However, a recording related to the session will be provided on the Accelevents portal.

Presented by Brenda Elizabeth

Learn to connect the insight and messages contained in the energy of the chakras using Tarot. 

Jennie Sikes
Presented by Jennie Sikes

Welcome to a transformative journey of self-discovery through a group Past Life Regression session. In this hypnosis session, guided by Jennie, we will connect with your higher self and delve into another lifetime you have lived, uncovering lessons learned and purposes served. With trust and openness, you'll emerge refreshed and deeply connected to your inner truth, carrying newfound clarity and insight into your current life.

Presented by Anthony Perrotta

This presentation is based on Anthony's recent book, AstroStyle, the Intersection of Fashion and Astrology.  Astrostyle intrinsically links astrology with fashion. This goes beyond the concept of “dressing for your season” or wearing what’s currently on trend. This is about finding a unique and tailored experience simply by working with your own astrological chart. Something more long-lasting. Something more you. We will be exploring how to style yourself based on your chart and transit and take a closer look at how astrology influences the fashion industry as a whole. Additionally, there will be elements of palmistry, tarot, as well as a PDF guide and ritual kit for you to take home and try out AstroStyle for yourself.

Presented by Pamela Steele

Have you been called to be a messenger of destiny?

This workshop covers the tools you may use, how to deal with difficult clients, and how to manage the dreaded “impostor syndrome” that can blindside everyone. We will also cover “hearing” the messages you will be bringing to the world and how to interpret the “language” your soul is speaking.

Quiet and Calm Track presentations are not live-streamed on Accelevents. However, a recording related to the session will be provided on the Accelevents portal.

Presented by Aerik Arkadian

What do didgeridoos, frame drums, shakers, and singing bowls have in common? They’re all fun and require zero training to play. Let’s make some noise and tap into the sacred vibrations that connect us all. Come as you are and experiment with what’s in the room or bring your own favorite ritual instrument. Dance if you like. Or just hang out and listen. Remote attendees will be shown a video overview that explains different instruments, their history, the sounds they make, and how they can be incorporated into ritual.

Quiet and Calm Track events are not streamed live and are not recorded. Virtual attendees can view a recorded presentation on the topic.


While love matters take the cake when it comes to consulting tarot, career issues are a close second. Join me in this session and gain some tools to help your querents navigate the tricky waters of career progression and its challenges.

In this session, you will learn:

- The keys to help your querent find their strengths and identify career options. How to answer questions such as “What is my professional purpose?”

- Reading for job seekers: Opportunities, interviews, negotiations and offers.

- Reading for the employed: Promotions, challenges and job loss.

- Reading for the self-employed: The nuances of entrepreneurship in tarot.

- The financial matters: Increases, bonuses, cuts and withheld wages.

Presented by Meg Watson
Every aspect of life, from the esoteric to the everyday, is represented within the 78 cards of the tarot. Creating custom spreads for the cards can be as simple as scratching just below the surface of a favorite tv show or comfort food. In this presentation, Meg will demonstrate how to craft tarot spread questions based on everyday objects, experiences, and even pop culture references.
Presented by Wendee Molano
Sit in sacred space as Wendee leads the group in a seance to connect with departed loved ones or ancestors. You never know who will come through!

When we approach a divination session, be it tarot, oracle, or astrology, there are, in many cases, two minds involved: the querent and the diviner. While the cards or charts are laid out and the diviner interprets, the querent has their own beliefs and blocks. The diviner must also make mental leaps about the querent's motivations, desires, and behavioral choices. In this interactive session, we will walk through the mental gymnastics we undertake as a diviner or as a querent and explore the social cognition involved in divination. Come with an open mind, and leave with adventures.


Christiana and Aerik lead the conference in the closing ceremony. Join us in a moment of appreciation and affirmation as we share our joy of tarot, art, divination, and community.