Victor Daniels is Emeritus Professor of Psychology at Sonoma State University in northern California, with a Ph.D. from UCLA. He has moonlighted doing Tarot reading gigs for 30 years, primarily as party entertainment for corporations and professional associations. He has written Tarot d’Amour and Tarot at a Crossroads, Awakening the Chakras, Sacred Mysteries: The Chakra Oracle, The Zodiac Light Oracle (in press 2025), Matrix Meditations, psychology textbook Being and Caring, and a book on U.S. Politics (Many of these are co-authored with Kooch N. Daniels). With the Tarot, he’s especially interested both in how to integrate psychological insights and understanding into Tarot readings and how to use the Tarot in counseling and psychotherapy.

It may not be the Oracle of Delphi, but the GAME OF FORTUNE PANEL READINGS - spinning a Wheel of Fortune to choose the reader - will combine chance and reading skills in a way that is sure to be as entertaining as it will be enlightening.
A panel of readers will be convened to perform on-the-spot mini-readings in front of a group. Participants randomly chosen from the audience will ask a question, and we will spin the Wheel of Fortune to see which reader will be chosen to answer. This exercise is designed to showcase a variety of reading styles as well as give us a chance to mix it up divination-style, play, and have fun.
If you're a Tarot reader, you can probably do chakra readings with the Sacred Mysteries Chakra Oracle deck. These beautiful cards, illustrated by a world-class artist in the Indian classical tradition, are accompanied by a deeply insightful book that provides an orientation to each chakra and offers thoughts, feelings, physical connections, and awareness and spiritual insights for each card. “I was a little uneasy doing a chakra reading since all I’ve ever read is tarot cards,” said one person after giving her first chakra reading, “but the stunning imagery and card titles, and the outstanding book that comes with the deck, allowed me to slide right into them.” The book’s wealth of insights can even inform your readings with Tarot cards.
This presentation describes the chakra essentials in ways that draw from the spiritual traditions of India and a from contemporary Western psychology.