
Pamela Steele

Artist, Author, Tarot Grand Master & Certified Life Coach

Over five decades of art experience and forty-five years of tarot reading have produced a blending of old-school tarot and new-age attitudes in Pamela Steele’s divination contributions. A strong belief in self-empowerment and self-mastery is the foundation of her work. Decades of experience have given her the knowledge we each have the ability to recreate ourselves with passion and intent.

She originally self-published the “Steele Wizard Tarot – The Language of the Soul,” which is currently in its 3rd incarnation with Red Feather MBS. The “Wizard’s Pets-the ABCs” Tarot is also self-published. Her latest project, the “Eternal Seeker Oracle,” is a tarot-inspired, 33-card oracle exploring the archetypes of the Tarot’s Major Arcana with additional cards to bridge the void. This new Oracle was released through Schiffer Publishing in 2020.

Pamela is an internationally acclaimed award-winning artist, a professional tarot reader, a certified Life Coach, and a licensed massage therapist. She began showing art professionally in the mid-1980s and has successfully continued in the art business.  Pamela was the art director for the Northwest Tarot Symposium from 2014-2019 where she also displayed her divination art. Pamela had been a frequent presenter there and previously at the Bay Area Tarot Symposium. Pamela is one of the founders and administrators of the popular Tarot Deck Creators Group on Facebook and manages and administrates other tarot groups. The Steele Wizard Tarot is the art for Tiffany Crosara’s successful “The Transformational Truth of Tarot Game.” It is in its third incarnation as a tarot deck with Red Feather MBS.

Born in Oklahoma, Pamela lives in western Canada with her husband, Brian.

Presented by Pamela Steele

Have you been called to be a messenger of destiny?

This workshop covers the tools you may use, how to deal with difficult clients, and how to manage the dreaded “impostor syndrome” that can blindside everyone. We will also cover “hearing” the messages you will be bringing to the world and how to interpret the “language” your soul is speaking.

Quiet and Calm Track presentations are not live-streamed on Accelevents. However, a recording related to the session will be provided on the Accelevents portal.