Silver Raven

Magical Diviner & Ancestral Medium

Silver Raven is a Magical Diviner, Ancestral Medium, Witch, and Second Degree Reiki Practitioner.

Working with her Guides, she uses the tools of Tarot, Lenormand, Cartomancy of other forms, Crystals, Charms, Runes and Pendulums, along with her deep intuition to help people obtain real answers and guidance to make powerful changes to create the life they desire.

She is also a teacher of Tarot and Lenormand. She has been assisting, guiding, and teaching other for over 40 years.

Presented by Silver Raven

​EVERYONE has tried and mostly succeeded at manifesting something, regardless of  they are a Witch, Tarot reader, walkers of a spiritual path or none of the above. You wished or prayed for a specific outcome

Most here have used Cartomancy to assist with manifestations, for example, as a Tarot Spell.

Many here have done Magic to manifest something, for example, a prosperity or protection spell.

I am here to tell you how combining both Cartomancy and Magic can give you fierce focus on how to totally transform your life.

Please bring a Tarot deck (or two!)