Tara Greene

Tarot Reader, Astrologer & Priestess

Tara Greene, High Priestess, Sorceress, natural born Psychic has always remembered her past lives and multi-dimensional origins. Internationally renowned Tarot Reader, Astrologer, women’s spirituality, ritual, and workshop leader, Dreamworker, lipstick trace reader for Gucci, Estee Lauder, Bite. Tara Graduated from OCAD with Honors and is a Certified Transformational Psychotherapist. Apprenticed to shaman Oriah Mountain Dreamer, author of The Invitation. Initiate and student of Tibetan Buddhist Lamas and Peruvian shamans, she leads women’s spirituality workshops at famous Grail Springs Wellness Retreat since 2011, co-creates womb wisdom workshops and presented Moon Magic Astrology workshops on Full and New Moon online in 2021. She presented on Astrology & Tarot at the International Love and Light Tarot Conference in Montreal, 2019.

Tara has read for 31,000+ people since 1991. She accurately predicts elections, sports, celebrities. Tara writes about astrology daily on her blog; for Moonology, and for Tim Horton’s 2015-2018.

She presents a monthly live Astrology Tarot guide for The Cosmic Intelligence Agency. Tara’s writing is published in anthologies, and she has two books coming out in 2023.  She leads ceremonies in Sedona Arizona, her spiritual home.

A double Sagittarius, with Scorpio Rising, Tara loves to travel; she’s visiting sacred sites: Egypt, Stonehenge, Ephesus, Timbuktu, Guatemala, and Mexico. She lives in Toronto near Lake Ontario with her artist husband and their daughter, a Siberian Forest kitten, and a canary. Her son Elijah and her new grandson also reside in Toronto.

Presented by Tara Greene

This workshop empowers you to understand how to work with cosmic energies to your best advantage.

Two HUGE planetary changes start in March 2023. “As above, so below” is the Hermetic Maxim. How will these transits impact you? Knowledge is power, Timing is everything. Astrology is Divine Timing and Divine knowledge.

Saturn, planet of reality, testing, time, obstacles, maturity, tradition, career, building, enters WATER sign, Pisces, #18, The MOON, March 7 until 2026. The 12th Zodiac sign governs spirituality, psychics, dreams, addictions, empathy, mental illness, karma, viruses, debts, and endings.

PLUTO, yes still a planet in Tropical and Human Design Astrology, Underworld Lord of Death, wealth, sex, rebirth, power, secrets, soul, the Collective Unconscious, enters AIR sign AQUARIUS, #17 The STAR on 3/23/23 for the first time in 245 years. From 2024-2044 Pluto stays in AQUARIUS, a hi-tech, digital, virtual, detached, revolutionary, freedom, nonhierarchical, groupthink, higher consciousness, human sign.

Looking forwards to have you join me.