Dina Brass, internationally known spiritual advisor, comes from an intuitive lineage of spiritual fluency and has been reading tarot since the age of 11. She acquired her first deck by stealing her fatherโs Rider Waite, and paid for it by getting suspended from school for giving readings in the library.
Flash forward to now, after overcoming homelessness, abusive relationships, and full catastrophe living, Dina utilizes her deepened understanding of her life path to give raw, real and blunt honesty through the tarot as her tool of choice. She teaches an awesome ten-week intensive tarot training and gives live readings online.
As a Certified Life Coach she provides an intuitive approach breaking down invisible barriers holding clients to their highest sense of self, specializing in shadow work, confidence building and accountability coaching.
Dina presented a discussion group at StaarCon 2021, Compassion, Authenticity and Truth- The Struggle is Real.