Mercedes Vasquez is the creatrix of CalienteSoulExpressions, LLC. She is a certified Crystal Reiki Healer, Reiki Master, Intuitive Consultant, Femme Attuned Teacher, Revelation Breathwork Facilitator and Certified Psychic Medium. Her knowledge of crystals and their healing properties combined with her ability to attune to energy fields helps her to be of service to those in need. She has trained at the “Holistic Studies Institute”, “Crystal Academy”, “School of Womanly Arts” and “JVP Spiritual School”. She can be seen on The Shift Network’s program, “Beyond the Veil” where she shared information on the spirit plane and how we can connect with our loved ones on the other side.
Mercedes is also an “artivist”, she combines her love for the arts with her passion for justice in a platform that helps bring awareness to humankind. Recently has directed online shows to help raise awareness against gender violence and racial injustices.
She lives to inspire with her art, her passion, her connection to spirit and aspires to be a guiding light to all who wish to connect to their soul’s truest expression.