Arwen Lynch-Poe, the Professional Joy Seeker, uses oracles, Tarot, and much wise-assery to guide her clients to a joy-filled life. She loves connecting people with their spirit guides or chatting with the dead who invariably show up in her sessions. Her own journey with Tarot began in 1985 with one deck. Her collection of decks is now considerably larger than one. “Seek Joy, Y’all” is her motto in life. Arwen is a Tarot consultant, medium, psychic, writer, teacher, and more. Arwen has authored many decks including the Fairy Tale Lenormand, Secrets of the Mystic Grove, the Gift of Tarot Pack of Three Envelopes, Elle Qui, Practical Tarot Wisdom, Bianco Nero Tarot, the Field Guide to Garden Dragons, Gentle Creatures Wisdom Deck, and two unnamed projects for 2023/4. She resides in enchanting New Mexico with her husband, four dogs, and three cats—not to mention the roadrunners, crows, quail, bunnies, and occasional coyote trotting down her street. And no, she’s never seen a coyote chase a roadrunner. Meep Meep!

Come join Arwen for cocktails! No, there will not be alcohol, but you are welcome to indulge later in the bar if you so choose.
Have you dreamt of writing that book? Maybe not the NGAN (Next Great American Novel), but the kind of story YOU want to read? Bring your cards, your notebook, and a pen (unless you possess an eidetic memory) to learn at least one new way of meeting your characters. If we have time, we will practice a second method. Regardless, you will have all the information on the handout.
One thing is certain. Characters are the blood of any story. If the reader doesn't like the character, they will not finish the book. (Insert VOICE OF DOOOOOM!) Let Arwen show you how to create a character who will leap off the pages of your story. Even villains need backstory. This deceptively simple spread can be used for any character including that baker down the street from where your main character works.
Join Arwen for an interactive session with your deck. Sometimes you get a card as the final answer that makes no sense. By mapping the card, you will find a way to dive just a little deeper into the card. Haven't you ever wanted to just fling your hands up crying, "I don't know what this means?" Well, beginning readers to experienced ones have all been there. It's a universal truth that everyone hits a brick wall sometimes. It's like writer's block, but Tarot. So make sure you come ready to learn a new way of getting more out of your cards. Bring your deck, your notebook, your pen, and your open mind.